19 PhD Scholarships, Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

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The Graduate School of the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Copenhagen is inviting applications for 19 PhD scholarships starting 1 February 2011 for a period of up to three years.

It is possible to apply for scholarships within subject areas and themes related to one or more of the following PhD programmes:

A short description of the PhD programmes and their research areas is available at: http://www.humanities.ku.dk/research/PhD/PhDprogrammes/. Contact information for the heads of the PhD programmes is also to be found at the homepage.

Please contact the heads of the PhD programmes for further information about the subject areas and themes of the specific programmes: http://www.humanities.ku.dk/research/PhD/PhDprogrammes/

Application procedure
Applicants need to hold a two-year Master’s degree (120 ECTS) or the equivalent, or expect to receive such by 31 January 2011. Applicants shall have submitted their thesis at the time of application, to the extent the thesis forms part of their Master’s programme.

Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to ensure the above information is current and correct. However, applicants should contact the appropriate administering body before making an application, as details do change frequently.


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