Academic Scholarships for International Freshmen, University of Miami, USA

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Academic Scholarships for Freshmen
Entering Academic Year Fall 2014

University of Miami international freshman President’s Scholarships range from $5,000 to $30,000 annually. Students are automatically considered for the President’s Scholarships when they apply for admission to the University.

Eligibility and Award Decisions
Academic scholarships are limited in number and awarding is highly competitive. The University of Miami takes into account students’ high school grades, difficulty of course curriculum, extracurricular activities, essay, and guidance counselor recommendation(s), as well as the overall quality of the pool of applicants applying to the university each year when making scholarship award decisions. International applicants should NOT submit SAT scores to be considered for a University of Miami President’s scholarship. A student may receive only one academic scholarship from the Office of International Admission.

The Scholarship Committee will make the final determination on all scholarship awards.

To be considered for academic scholarships, international candidates must submit a complete application for admission with all academic credentials, including a bank letter by the deadline listed below. The bank letter must indicate the applicant will be able to cover the difference between the scholarship award and the total cost of attendance (approximately US $59,500). Please note that we do not have academic scholarships to award for spring semester. You can apply to UM online. Frost School of Music students will be considered for University of Miami scholarships based on music talent and academic performance.

To be considered for an academic scholarship, all required documents must be at the University of Miami by:
November 1 (Early Decision/Early Action deadline)
January 1 (Regular Decision deadline)

Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to ensure the above information is current and correct. However, applicants should contact the appropriate administering body before making an application, as details do change frequently.

13 comments on “Academic Scholarships for International Freshmen, University of Miami, USA

  1. As mantioned my name,i am from ethiopia .i am grade 12 to aur curiculu,ethiopia after we complete grade we have possiblity to either to study for high school diploma[10+3] or contineu high school education[10+2]or preparatory for university prog.if we fill the criateria [fixed grade at national exam.of grade10]and i did both.
    1.i have clinical nursing certificate.[10+3]in the year 2010G.C and grade 12th complation certificate IN THE YEAR 2012 AND joined unv.admited for pre-engineering science in this acc.year[2013] and witgdrawn before edu.get started b/se of family problem and now i am working with my nursing certificate profetionat a private clinic caring for patients with different healthy problem. Finally i am highly eager and sansative behind searching for core schoolar ships,in whatever field of study it may be, hope i’m to fit and also interested into all the rounds of study. Hopefully,waiting for your reply in a bit of time.,with my grateful,Tx!

  2. i’m pepi from indonesia. i’m a civil engineer student and III semester now.
    please email me if you have information bout scholarship. i really wanna continue my study there,
    thank you

  3. i’m indonesian. i’m interested in the scholarship. if you have further information about this, please, email me thanks in advance


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