Boustany Foundation MBA Scholarship, Harvard Business School, USA

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Boustany Foundation Harvard Business School is a community of people engaged in many activities focused on one purpose—developing leaders. Our MBA graduates use the skills they develop here to inspire change and innovation throughout their lives—in business and in other organizations, in their communities, and in society.

The Harvard two-year MBA is one of the world’s leading business programs, taught at one of the world’s most prestigious universities.

The next MBA Scholarship to Harvard Business School will be awarded for the course commencing in the fall of 2013

Candidates may apply for the Scholarship after receiving an offer for a place on the Harvard MBA program.

Eligibility Criteria
The Boustany MBA Scholarship to Harvard Business School is offered to an outstanding and highly-meriting candidate who must fulfill the admission requirements of HBS to be eligible for the scholarship.

Candidates must have excellent academic backgrounds and have enjoyed considerable success in their careers to date. Although the scholarship can be awarded to candidates of any nation, priority will be given to candidates of Lebanese descent.

The scholarship recipient is required to complete a summer internship (between the first and second year of the course), carrying no salary, with the Boustany Foundation.

If you wish to apply, please send a copy of your curriculum vitae with photo, GMAT scores and acceptance letter from the University to:
Ref. HBS

If shortlisted, you may be invited to an interview with the Foundation. One candidate will then be awarded the Scholarship.

Dates for 2013 Scholarship:
Deadline for submission of candidacy: 15 May 2013
Award of Scholarship to recipient: June 2013

Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to ensure the above information is current and correct. However, applicants should contact the appropriate administering body before making an application, as details do change frequently.

23 comments on “Boustany Foundation MBA Scholarship, Harvard Business School, USA

  1. For those who still wondering about the
    requirements, let me sum it for you.
    1. You need to be already accepted in the
    Harvard Business School at the Business Administration degree.
    2. You’ve taken General Management Admission Test (GMAT)
    3. You need to send your CV with photos, the
    copy of your GMAT scores, and also a copy of
    acceptance letter from the Harvard Business School, to the email: admissions@boustany- (Ref. HBS)


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