Doctoral Scholarship in Transport Planning, University of Glasgow, UK

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University of Glasgow UKApplications are invited for a scholarship being offered by the University of Glasgow’s College of Social Sciences to study for a PhD in the area of Transportation Planning within the subject area of Urban Studies. Applicants must have completed or be close to completing their master’s degree or MRes in the social sciences (urban studies, urban planning, economics, geography or a related discipline or demonstrated competence in social science methodology through publication in peeri-reviewed journals) and should ideally have some background or prior coursework in transportation planning and a willingness to work with quantitative methods in transport planning. Application to the scholarship should be accompanied by an application to the PhD program in Urban Studies, as detailed below.

Home/EU and international applicants are eligible to apply.

The Award
The scholarship will run for a maximum of three years full-time commencing on September/October 2013 and will provide:

  • an annual bursary equivalent to the RCUK rate – currently £13,590 (£6795 part-time) for 2012/13
  • fees at the standard Home/EU or International rate
  • a research support grant of £750 (£375 part-time) per annum

How to Apply
Applicants can discuss potential research interests with Professor Piyushimita Thakuriah (Vonu), Halcrow Chair of Transport and Professor of Urban Studies at or can submit more general PhD enquiries to Dr Mhairi Mackenzie, Doctoral Convenor in Urban Studies at

All applicants should complete and collate the following documentation then attach to a single email and send to by 17:00 on Friday 30th March 2013:

Scholarship Application Form
With all sections and final checklist completed.

Academic Transcript(s)
Full academic transcript(s) from previous studies (undergraduate and postgraduate).

2 references
On official headed notepaper and signed by referees.

References given to candidates in sealed envelopes should be opened, scanned and attached to the email. References from Universityof Glasgowstaff can be emailed direct to by referees.

Research Proposal
Research proposal form should be completed and attached to the application email.

Additional items such as references and bibliography should be attached to the application email separately from the research proposal – i.e. on a different word document.

Proposals should be no longer than 1200 words, excluding references. Any proposal over 1200 words will not be considered.

All documents should be named as follows:
“CoSS Transport Planning Scholarship, Document Name, Student Name”
For Example: “CoSS Transport Planning Scholarship, Reference 1, Alan McConnell”

Applicants must also complete an application for admission to a research programme using the on-line application system.

The same documents can be used in support of both the scholarship and admission applications but should be submitted separately – i.e. scholarship application documents emailed to and admission application documents uploaded via the online system.

Any application which fails to meet the above requirements will not be considered.

Selection Process
Applications will be shortlisted by an Urban Studies selection panel using the following criteria:

  • 30% - for transcript including type of coursework and prior experience and references
  • 70% - for research proposal

Interviews with shortlisted candidates will be held on April 19, 2013. Candidates will be notified of the final decision by Monday 22nd April 2013


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