Erasmus Mundus MSc Scholarship in Ecohydrology, Europe

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Throughout the world aquatic ecosystems have experienced environmental degradation. Present remedial measures based on engineering and technological fix have been unable to restore the ecological processes and reinstate the full beneficial functions and services of degraded aquatic ecosystems. The Erasmus Mundos Master of Science Course in Ecohydrology will provide to students a profound knowledge and understanding of the ecological processes that support the resilience of aquatic ecosystems, and how these processes can be harmonized with engineering infrastructures at the river basin and used to sustain aquatic ecosystems quality and revert degradation.

The ERASMUS MUNDUS MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ECOHYDROLOGY (ECOHYD) gathers the expertise from a consortium constituted to include complementary expertises from four European HEI (Portugal, Poland, Netherlands and Germany) and one Third Country University (Argentina). Expertise on estuarine and coastal ecosystems Ecohydrology will be provided by the University of Algarve (Portugal); expertise in freshwater and urban ecohydrology will be provided by the University of Lodz (Poland); and the engineering and management components will be provided by UNESCO-IHE (Netherlands) and University of Kiel (Germany).

Submission 31th December 2009
Selection of students – 31st january 2010

Requirements for admission:
The requirements for the admission to the Erasmus Mundus M.Sc. in Ecohydrology are:
a. Proof that the applicant has successfully accomplished a first degree of higher education equivalent to a B.Sc. degree with at least 180 credit points according to the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) and a final mark of 2.5 (according to the German grading scheme) or B (in the US-American grading scheme) in one of the following subjects: biology, ecology, geosciences, environmental sciences, limnology, oceanography, marine sciences, aquatic engineering or any similar subject. (Portugal : 13/20 as a minimum); Spain : B : 6.5/10; France : B: 12/20; cf. NARIC network for equivalence of scoring in the countries ….

b. Fluency in English language at least according to the C1 level of the European reference scheme for language skills. The admission board might abstain from any proof of English language skills, if English was the language of instruction/teaching language for the B.Sc. degree.

c. A Letter of Motivation stating the applicants interest in the study programme.

d. Two Letters of Recommendation not older than two years either by two university teachers or by one university teacher and one internationally recognised marine scientist.

For more information visit:

Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to ensure the above information is current and correct. However, applicants should contact the appropriate administering body before making an application, as details do change frequently.

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