Excellence Scholarships for International Students, ESSEC Business School, France

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ESSEC Excellence Scholarships will be granted to at least 9 outstanding International ESSEC MSc in Management candidates for the 2012 Intake.

Each ESSEC Excellence Scholarship will amount to:

  • 20,000€ for non-European candidates
  • 15,000€ for European candidates

ESSEC award decision will be published end of May.

In order to compete for Excellence Scholarships, you need to apply and be admitted for the 2012 intake.

The deadline for submitting your application on line and sending your application file is March 17th, 2012.

It should be noted that the award of an ESSEC Excellence Scholarship cannot be cumulated with the award of another governmental or European Union Scholarship (EIFFEL, ALBAN, etc). However, until we obtain the results of other Scholarships, every ESSEC MSc in Management applicant admitted to the programme will be considered for the ESSEC Excellence Scholarship Programme.

For more information, please visit official website: www.essec.edu.

Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to ensure the above information is current and correct. However, applicants should contact the appropriate administering body before making an application, as details do change frequently.

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