Fellowship in Aerospace History, American Historical Association, NASA, USA

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The American Historical Association will annually fund at least one Fellow, for one academic year, to undertake a research project related to aerospace history. It will provide a Fellow with an opportunity to engage in significant and sustained advanced research in all aspects of the history of aerospace from the earliest human interest in flight to the present, including cultural and intellectual history, economic history, history of law and public policy, and the history of science, engineering, and management.

Applicants must possess a doctorate degree in history or in a closely related field, or be enrolled as a student (having completed all coursework) in a doctoral degree-granting program.

Term And Residency
The Fellowship term is for a period of at least six months, but not more than one year. The Fellow will be expected to devote the term entirely to the proposed research project. The Fellow will have (and be encouraged to take advantage of) the opportunity to use the documentary resources of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and may also spend the Fellowship in residence at the NASA headquarters or one of the NASA centers.

Application and Other Requirements
The applicant must complete an application form and offer a specific and detailed research proposal that will be the basis of the Fellow’s research during the term. At the term’s conclusion, the Fellow will be expected to write a report, and to present a paper or a public lecture on the Fellowship experience.

Please Note:

  • Submit your complete application plus 7 copies (each copy should contain one application form, proposal, and CV collated and paper clipped together).
  • Fill in the application form on your computer or with a type writer and use an additional sheet if necessary (e.g., references for the letters of recommendation).
  • Do not use staples for any section of your application, use paper clips if needed.
  • Send letters of recommendations in sealed envelopes separately from the applications.

The stipend is $20,000 for a 6–9 month fellowship. This amount is adjustable to the length of the fellowship term. Funds may not be used to support tuition or fees. A Fellow may not hold other major fellowships or grants during the fellowship term, except sabbatical and supplemental grants from their own institutions, and small grants from other sources for specific research expenses. Sources of anticipated support must be listed in the application form.

Deadline, Submission Information, and Notification
Applications and letters of recommendation must be postmarked by March 1, 2011.

Submit to:
Fellowship in Aerospace History
American Historical Association
400 A Street, S.E.
Washington, D.C. 20003

Notification: Names of the winner and alternate should be announced in May 2011.


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