We proudly announce the launch of LANL-CBNU Engineering Institute Korea, a joint venture program of our lab with the Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA. Therefore, we need some dedicated graduate students as the backbone of the program. Our projects are related, but not limited, to the application of laser ultrasound technologies and optical fiber sensors technologies to the non-destructive test and evaluation (NDT&E), and Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) of important engineering structures, such as wind turbine, space launch vehicle, nuclear power plant, and aircraft. All the projects are application based with supports from the industries or government, and have great potential to be commercialized. If you are highly motivated, we want to invite you to join our research team.
Basic Requirements:
- Electrical, electronics, mechatronics engineering, or image processing background.
- Prefer candidates with signal/image processing, embedded system (FPGA), real-time application, RFID, wireless sensors network, or LabVIEW skills.
- Good TOEFL score.
Financial Supports:
- Starting pay KRW 950,000 for master; KRW 1,150,000 for PhD (after tax deduction).
- Increment depending on research achievement, e.g. KRW 1,650,000 for a present PhD student in the 4th year.
- Office utensils supported, including PC, furniture, stationary, etc.
Application or Enquiry:
- Required documents:
Detail resume with recent photo, copy of certificates and TOEFL result, one A4 page of self-introduction (your personality, motivation to join this field of study, reasons of application and personal goals, future plan after your graduation, etc). - Send application or enquiry to Integrated Health & Usage Monitoring Team leader: IHUM.SSL@gmail.com
- Application due date: Spring semester: 20th Oct. 2011; Fall semester: 20th Apr. 2012.
- For more information, visit us at http://ssl.jbnu.ac.kr/xe/research_f
Prof. Jung-Ryul, LEE
Smart Structures Laboratory & LANL-CBNU EI-K,
Department of Aerospace Engineering,
Chonbuk National University, South Korea
- International Graduate Studentships, Master and PhD, Smart Structures Laboratory, Chonbuk National University, South Korea
- 2010 Scholarships for Graduate Students, Smart Structures Lab, Chonbuk National University, South Korea
- Graduate Studentships, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, South Korea
- Women in Engineering Scholarship, RMIT University, Australia
- Amelia Earhart PhD Fellowship for Women in Aerospace Science, Zonta International, USA
- ARC - Real-time Soft Tissue Characterization and Modelling Research Scholarship, RMIT University, Australia
- KGSP Graduate Scholarships, Kumoh National Institute of Technology, Korea
- Master, PhD & Postdoctoral in Civil Engineering, Kunsan National University, South Korea
- Master, PhD & Postdoctoral Positions in Structural Engineering, Kunsan National University, Korea
- Women in Aerospace (WIA) Foundation Scholarships, USA
i am from electrical graduated, my spesialication on microcontor programing and desingn of elektronic automation equipment. Can i join with this offer?
i wanna get scholarship in jerman?
can you hilf me?
I’m now in 3rd of Vocational High School and my study program is Petroleum and Petrochemical Processing..
so, can I apply for this scholarship?
I’m from industrial engineering, can you help me to find some scholarships in Jerman, France, UK, and Australia?
i need scholarsip international relation on UIC, yonsei University. can you help me please ?
I’m STMN 6 graduated in 1993 and One of best 15 Inventor in 2003 .Are there any jobs/scholarship in South Korea or others country.
Dear Prof.
I was Graduated from Teaching and training education of Biology, I’m so interest with this program, may I join?
Thank you for attention prof.
I was graduated from SMKN1 jakarta. I can unigraphic engineering design. I am very interest in this job
may I join?
I’m now in 3rd of Tegnology High School and my study program is Aeronautical engineering
can I apply for this scholarship?
I want to go to south korea .. can you give me a scholarship to go there?
i was graduated from vocational high school of administration, I’d like to join but can u help me step by step of the way is
thank u .
I’m now in technology engineering…
Can apply this program goto soulth kore with my program technology engineering?
I want to schoolarship,please help me?? I’m fresh Graduated D3 Eletronica in Universty In Jakarta.. I’want study S1 in Seoul..
Looking for Prospective Foreign Graduate Students and Postdocs
We proudly announce the launch of LANL-CBNU Engineering Institute Korea, a joint venture program of our lab with the Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA. Therefore, we need some dedicated graduate students and postdocs as the backbone of the program. Our projects are related to the application of laser ultrasound technologies and optical fiber sensors technologies to the non-destructive test and evaluation (NDT&E), and Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) of important engineering structures, such as wind turbines, space launch vehicles, nuclear power plants, and aircrafts. However, the applicant’s background is never limited to these fields.
All the projects are applications based with supports from the industries or government, and have great potential to be commercialized. If you are highly motivated, we want to invite you to join our research team.
Applicant Background:
- Electrical, Electronics, Signal/image processing, Embedded system, Wireless sensor network, Programming (C, LabVIEW), Mechatronics, Aeronautics, Aerospace, Mechanical engineering and/or Materials background.
- Minimum English requirement: PBT 590, CBT 240, iBT 95, IELTS 6.5, TEPS 700.
- Minimum CGPA during undergraduate: 3.0 / 4.0
Financial Supports and Benefits:
- Starting monthly pay KRW 1,000,000 for master course; KRW 1,250,000 for PhD course (after tax deduction); minimum KRW 2,500,000 (before tax deduction) for postdoc.
- Increment depending on research achievement, e.g. KRW 1,750,000 for a present PhD student in the 3rd year.
- Office utensils supported, including PC, furniture, stationary, etc.
Application or Enquiry:
- Required documents:
Detail resume with recent photo, copy of certificates and English result, one A4 page statement-of- purpose (your personality, motivation to join this field of study, reasons of application and personal goals, future plan after your graduation, etc).
- For the post-doctorate applicant, the minimum workable period should be addressed in CV
- Send application or enquiry to ANDEatSSL2@gmail.com
- Please download the following template http://ssl.chonbuk.ac.kr/form/Form%20template.xls, and send along with your other required documents.
- Application due dates for graduate course: 31st March 2013, for postdoc: 15th February 2013
- The selected candidate will be personally informed about his/her selection through mail.
- For more information, visit us at http://ei-k.jbnu.ac.kr/xe/temp (Please use Internet Explorer)
Prof. J. R. LEE
Smart Structures Laboratory/Department of Aerospace Engineering,
LANL-CBNU Engineering Institute Korea
Chonbuk National University, South Korea.
wana thank you for the offer