Ibsen Scholarships in Drama and Performing Arts, Norway

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Ibsen ScholarshipsScholarship funds amount to NOK 1,000,000,- (approx. 135.000 Euro/180.000 US Dollars) will be awarded projects worldwide.

The Ibsen Scholarships award innovative projects in the field of drama and performing arts that act as incentives for critical discourse in regards to existential and society-related subject matters concerning Henrik Ibsen and his plays.

Scholarships are applicable to individuals, organizations or institutions within the artistic and cultural community.

The Ibsen Scholarships are awarded annually and the applications are subject to scrutiny by an appointed jury.

The Ibsen Scholarships were initiated  by the Norwegian government and will be handed out for the 6th  time in 2013.

Ibsen Awards has till now handed out 19 scholarships to projects in 15 different countries.

Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to ensure the above information is current and correct. However, applicants should contact the appropriate administering body before making an application, as details do change frequently.

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