International PhD Scholarship
Lancashire Law School
Reference No INT-037Puchalska
Applications are invited for a full-time scholarship available in the Lancashire Law School. The scholarship is tenable for up to 3 years for a PhD (via MPhil route) [subject to satisfactory progress] and is open to international applicants only. UK/EU applicants are not eligible to apply. The scholarship will provide £15000 towards the cost of the International tuition fee over 3 years.
Project Title: EU Mediterranean Partnership: how effective in promoting political and legal change in Libya, Egypt and Tunisia?
Project Description:
The EU has been a key player on the international arena due to its position as the most powerful trading bloc in the world. Increasingly, the EU uses its economic leverage to influence changes in domestic sphere of trading partners which go beyond commercial co-operation and adjustment. These stretch from the liberal reforms of the domestic markets towards greater openness and privatisation to insistence of political reforms and upholding human rights standards.
Egypt, Libya and Tunisia are EU partners under the EU Neighbourhood Policy (The Euro-Mediterranean Partnership). This project will outline and analyse the Neighbourhood polices deployed in relations with those countries, and also the indirect influence that the EU exerts ‘through trade’.
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Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to ensure the above information is current and correct. However, applicants should contact the appropriate administering body before making an application, as details do change frequently.