Master in Service & Experience Design Scholarship Competition, Domus Academy, Italy

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Domus Academy and Park Hyatt Milano are proud to launch
Master in Service & Experience Design - September 2013

Domus Academy ItalyHospitality industry has the highest level of sophistication in delivering qualitative service experiences. Within this field, customers’ expectations for a high quality level of service standards are rapidly increasing.

Therefore, companies in the sector will be looking for a greater differentiation and a stronger competitiveness to be achieved through innovative ideas and outstanding experiences. Hence, they will require more qualified professional profiles.

The competition “My 5 Star Experience” invites candidates to think about the best tailored services customers would love to experience during their stay in a luxury hotel.

Park Hyatt Milano is developing its service offer through new services aiming to provide clients with unique experiences to explore and enjoy the city for a week or a weekend stay. The candidates will identify new service packages tailored to the desires of specific user targets and clusters visiting Milan for a week or a weekend.

The service package must contain a set of services to guide, orient, inform and support clients to better live the city and enjoy a large variety of activities during the stay.

Describe the services following the steps outlined below:

  1. the client profile: identify the user profile to whom your service design is addressed, his/her reasons for travelling to Milan (such as shopping, museums and history, design week, Expo 2015…) and his/her expectations;
  2. the service package: describe the new service or package of services tailored to the client profile and his/her expectations: which services? how do they work? Please use any visual tools to help better understand the service offering (i.e. user scenario to illustrate how the service offering enhances the experience of the client during the visit of Milan).
  3. describe the benefits for the user and for the company: try to make explicit what is the value for clients and also the feasibility for Park Hyatt Milano as service provider.

The competition is open to professionals and graduates in business and design-related disciplines, humanity studies, social sciences, and communication.

Projects will be selected and evaluated by the Faculty of the Master in Service and Experience Design of Domus Academy.

Materials Required

  • Project description: maximum 5 A4 illustrated boards (including a written description.
  • Curriculum vitae of the participant in A4 format (max 1 page) in .PDF digital file.
  • Statement of purpose in A4 format (max 5 lines) in .PDF digital file.
  • Domus Academy application form*.

The candidates are asked to send their materials in one sole file in .PDF format.
Any further attached material will be considered a plus and will be evaluated by the jury.
* Application fee is waived for competition participants.


  • One scholarship covering 70% of the total tuition fee of the Master Program.
  • One scholarship covering 50% of the total tuition fee of the Master Program.
  • One scholarship covering 30% of the total tuition fee of the Master Program.

The works must be mailed to Domus Academy by and not later than 3rd May 2013.
Candidates will be informed about the results of the competition by e-mail on 17th May 2013.

Entry Delivery
Projects in digital format must be sent to the following e-mail address:

Paper works must be sent to:

Domus Academy
Master Program in Service and Experience Design
Via Carlo Darwin, 20
20143 Milan - Italy

Master Program Description
The Master in Service and Experience Design emphasises the central position covered by users and user experience in the innovations of the service industries. The Master’s distinctive approach is to consider the experience along parameters of quality and effectiveness for a good service performance: such a dimension depends on sensitive and emotional aspects, linked to human nature, behaviour, and cultural backgrounds. The Master’s program offers the most advanced methodologies, resources and tools for service design and a series of project activities experiencing service design (a learning by designing approach) for the broadest range of service industries. The Master’s program focuses on consumer services: from banks and insurance, hospitality and tourism, mobility and transportation, entertainment and culture, retail and commerce, to healthcare and public services.

Candidates holding a first-level academic diploma or BA degree, or about to graduate within the academic year 2012/13 and with a knowledge of the English language (IELTS 5.0 academic or equivalent certificate minimum).

Property Rights
Every moral or paternity right as to the project remains property of the author. The projects sent to Domus Academy will not be returned. All the material must be the result of an unpublished work developed by the candidate, not to be used by the candidate in other or previous occasions.

For more information, please visit official website:


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