Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen
School of Communication & Media
P.O. Box 3037, 9701 DA Groningen, The Netherlands
Phone: 31 - (0)50-5954051 Fax: 31 - (0)50-5954999
E-mail: iso@org.hanze.nl Internet: www.hanzeuniversity.eu/
Master in International Communication
- Leading to: Master’s degree
- Course duration: 63 weeks
- Next course begins: 1 September 2012
- Academic application deadlines: 31 January 2012
- Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012
- Educational requirements: Bachelor of communication, or related field
- Professional requirements: Extensive relevant professional experience demonstrating bachelor level competencies in communication or related fields may replace a bachelor degree.
- Other requirements: Language test: IELTS 6.5
- Gender category: 2. Contains compulsory modules dealing with gender
Maastricht University
P.O. Box 616, 6200 MD Maastricht, The Netherlands
Phone: 31 - (0)43-3885388 Fax: 31 - (0)43-3884891
E-mail: study@maastrichtuniversity.nl
Internet: http://www.maastrichtuniversity.nl/web/Faculties/FL.htm
Media Culture
- Leading to: MA
- Course duration: 1 year
- Next course begins: 1 September 2012
- Academic application deadlines: 31 January 2012
- Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012
- Educational requirements: Bachelor’s degree from a relevant academic field
- Other requirements: Written request: a letter of motivation indicating why you wish to study Media Culture at Maastricht University, and why you expect that you will be able to complete the programme successfully. Two letters of recommendation from a professor or employer gradelist: a certified list of grades and a copy of language test.
- Gender category: 4. Subject is not gender-oriented
The Hague University of Applied Sciences
P.O. Box 19050, 2500 CB The Hague, The Netherlands
Phone: 31 - (0)70-4458900 Fax: 31 - (0)70-4458194
E-mail: info-masters@hhs.nl Internet: www.thehagueuniversity.nl
Master in International Communication Management (MICM)
- Leading to: Master’s degree
- Course duration: 1 year
- Next course begins: 1 September 2012
- Academic application deadlines: 23 January 2012
- Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012
- Educational requirements: Bachelor degree in Communication or in a related discipline or more than two years working experience in communication.
- Professional requirements: Experience in a communication job is beneficial, but not obligatory.
- Gender category: 4. Subject is not gender-oriented
University of Groningen
Faculty of Arts
P.O. Box 716, 9700 AS Groningen, The Netherlands
Phone: 31 - (0)50-3635620 Fax: 31 - (0)50-3637233
E-mail: noha@rug.nl Internet: www.rug.nl/internationalmasters
- Leading to: MA
- Course duration: 18 months
- Next course begins: 1 September 2012
- Academic application deadlines: 31 January 2012
- Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012
- Educational requirements: A Bachelor’s diploma from an accredited university
- Professional requirements: Some experience in journalism is preferred
- Other requirements: Written request: assessment interview: entry test.
- Gender category: 3. Gender-oriented modules are available
Language and Communication Technologies (Double Degree Programme)
- Leading to: MSc
- Course duration: 2 years
- Next course begins: 1 September 2012
- Academic application deadlines: 31 January 2012
- Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012
- Educational requirements: Bachelor’s diploma in a field related to Computer Science, Theoretical Linguistics, Artificial Intelligence
- Other requirements: Students must be willing to complete the second year at one of the partner universities. writtenrequest:
- Gender category: 3. Gender-oriented modules are available
University of Twente
P.O. Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede, The Netherlands
Phone: 31 - (0)53-4893836 Fax: 31 - (0)53-4891104
E-mail: master@utwente.nl
Internet: http://www.universiteittwente.nl/education/gw
Communication Studies (CS)
- Leading to: MSc
- Course duration: 12 months
- Next course begins: 24 August 2012
- Academic application deadlines: 31 January 2012
- Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012
- Educational requirements: Bachelor’s degree in social sciences, including domain specific knowledge and proficiency in social science research techniques and methodology.
- Other requirements: Skilled in use of computer applications.
- Gender category: 3. Gender-oriented modules are available
Wageningen University
P.O. Box 9101, 6700 HB Wageningen, The Netherlands
Phone: 31 - (0)317-484848 Fax: 31 - (0)317-484884
E-mail: study@wur.nl Internet: www.wageningenuniversity.nl/msc
Applied Communication Science
- Leading to: MSc
- Course duration: 2 years
- Next course begins: 1 September 2012
- Academic application deadlines: 31 January 2012
- Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012
- Educational requirements: BSc or BA with a general background in the social sciences and specific knowledge of communication science.
- Other requirements: Grade Point Average of at least 70%; good skills in mathematics and/or statistics; basic computer skills.
- Gender category: 3. Gender-oriented modules are available
For more info, please read: The Netherlands Fellowship Programmes (NFP) for Master Degree
- AJHA National Award for Excellence in Teaching, University of North Carolina, USA
- The Netherlands Fellowship Programmes (NFP) for Master Degree
- Master Scholarships in Transport and Communications, Netherlands
- AMS-AAAS Mass Media Fellowship, USA
- University of Twente Scholarship for Master, Netherlands
- MSc Scholarships in Science Communication and Public Engagement, University of Edinburgh, UK
- Master Scholarships in Education and Teacher Training, Netherlands
- PhD Studentships in Telemonitoring Technologies, University of Twente, The Netherlands
- PhD Scholarship in Analytical Chemistry, Lund University, Sweden
- PhD Studentship, Department of Earth Science and Engineering, Imperial College London, UK
Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to ensure the above information is current and correct. However, applicants should contact the appropriate administering body before making an application, as details do change frequently.
Candidate dari Indonesia, dapat langsung menghubungi kantor perwakilan di Jakarta untuk pendaftaran dan info lbh lanjutnya:
Hanze University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands
Email: infoHanze@eoffice-id.com
YM: studyingroningen, follow us on Twitter @studihanze, http://www.masterinternationalcommunication.eu
University of Twente, The Netherlands
Email: infoTwente@eoffice-id.com
*Untuk pendaftaran ke Hanze ataupun Twente tidak dikenakan application ataupun service fee. *gratis!!!
Good luck!
Kira-kira setahun lagi akan ada beasiswa ini lagi tidak ya?
Saya adalah mahasiswa Sastra Inggris semester 7 dan berencana melanjutkan S2 bidang Jurnalistik jika sudah tamat S1. Trims.
I wnt admission fr BSc bt I frm pakistan is admission will possible fr me
I am trying to reach Maastricht University by their email at study@maastricht.nl but It is not functioning.
Administrator, could you find and contact the institution to find its active email? I went into their website, they provide this invalid email address.
Hai.. Saya ingin melanjutkan S2 di bidang komunikasi.. Saya lulus tahun 2008 dari the London School Public relations.. Adakah scholarship yang bisa saya apply pada tahun ini FYI, saat ini saya bekerja sebagai humas di salah satu oil and gas company di indonesia yang berkantor di Jakarta.. Mohon informasinya
.. Thanks sebelumnya..
Hi, saya mahasiswa s2 MM - Binus International Business School yg akan lulus akhir tahun ini. Saya ingin mengambil program s2 lagi di bidang international communication.
Adakah scholarship yg bisa saya apply tahun ini? Thanks..