The Melbourne International Research Scholarships (MIRS) is awarded to international students wishing to undertake graduate research degree studies at the University of Melbourne. MIRSs are funded by the University with each faculty having a limited number to award.
Each year the University offers about 200 new Melbourne Research Scholarships (MRSs), of which about 150 are normally awarded to international students as MIRSs.
Benefits and conditions
Benefits provided by the MIRS include:
- a living allowance of $24,653 per annum (2013 rate)
- a Relocation Grant of $2,000 awarded to students who are moving from interstate in order to study at the University of Melbourne or $3,000 awarded to those who are moving from overseas
- a Thesis Allowance of up to $420 (2013 rate) for masters by research and up to $840 (2013 rate) for PhD and other doctorate by research candidates, and
- paid sick, maternity and parenting leave.
- Endeavour International Postgraduate Research Scholarships (IPRS), University of Melbourne, Australia
- Undergraduate Scholarships, University of Melbourne, Australia
- Harold Ford Melbourne JD Scholarships, University of Melbourne, Australia
- MMI-CSIRO PhD Materials Science Scholarship, University of Melbourne, Australia
- Melbourne International Fee Remission Scholarships (MIFRS), University of Melbourne, Australia
- Islam and Law in Southeast Asia Fieldwork Scholarships, University of Melbourne, Australia
- Vice-Chancellor’s Senior Research Fellows, RMIT University, Australia
- Foundation Studies Scholarships, RMIT University, Australia
- PhD Studentships in Finance, University of Melbourne, Australia
- Master of Biotechnology by Coursework Scholarship, RMIT University, Australia
Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to ensure the above information is current and correct. However, applicants should contact the appropriate administering body before making an application, as details do change frequently.
Hai, my name is Neneng Nurjanah. I’m from Bandung, Indonesia. Now, i’m still studying in SMAN 1 Baleendah, XII grade science program. How i can get it? I want to study at Melbourne University. Thanks a lot.
hello. andri my name. I’d love to get a scholarship for my S2 can lnjutkan. I want to continue in australia. please help. Thank you.
hello. My name andri fisheries university students Undana. I’d love to get a scholarship to go to S2. I want to continue in australia. please help. Thank you.
Helo, my name is Caniggia, i’m from bandung, i’m majoring English Education for bachelor degree, now is my 1st year, is there any education program can i take? Thank You
Hi…im muchlas. From cirebon. Im really interesting to study in Australia. Now im graduated as a diploma hotel management. I really want continuing my study there about professional cooking…please help. Thanks.
Hello, how can get it? Please tell me, i want to styudy on there
give me information to get schollarship on melbourne university? Thanktou
Hello, my name is Aprilo, and i’m from Jayapura, Papua, Indonesia. I need more information about this scholarship. i really really want to get it. Please.
hello,I need the following information for this scholarship
please help me.thanks.
I am Nur . I’ve graduated from senior high school special science . i swear to death want to study there . give the news about please , thanks a lot