PhD Research Scholarships, University of Wollongong, Australia

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University of Wollongong AustraliaThe Faculty of Law, Humanities and the Arts is seeking applications for two PhD scholarships commencing in 2014 to examine the regulation of user-generated on-line content in a transnational framework. Scholarship (1) looks at the implications of child-abuse materials legislation for the production and consumption of fictional user-generated content featuring representations of minors and scholarship (2) focuses specifically on internet content regulation in Japan.

The scholarships are provided as part of the University of Wollongong’s support for Professor Mark McLelland’s ARC Future Fellowship on ‘National Media Regulation and Global Cultural Literacy: International Perspectives on the Regulation of Young People’s User-Generated Content’.

Professor McLelland’s project looks at how the transformation of communication via networked digital media has led to a blurring between media producers and users. There are increasing calls for restriction of content that is legal in some jurisdictions but is considered offensive in Australia, especially in relation to children. This has created a new framework of risk to minors who are fans, consumers and creators of material that conflicts with national classification standards. This project analyses international standards and strategies for regulation and recommends ways that academics, policy makers and users can be brought into dialogue so as to generate culturally literate regulatory policies.

The project will provide an exciting opportunity for two PhD students to contribute to the awareness and understanding of new challenges for media regulation in Australia, Japan and transnationally. This PhD research will contribute to the documentation, critical analysis and theoretical inquiry into the relationships between various media regulation protocols and user-generated content in a transnational frame.

Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to ensure the above information is current and correct. However, applicants should contact the appropriate administering body before making an application, as details do change frequently.

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