PhD Scholarships in Social Sciences, University of Trento, Italy

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The School in Social Sciences of the University of Trento announces the 27th cycle of the following Ph.D Programmes activated in academic year 2011/2012:

Duration: Three years

Applications are invited from candidates, regardless of gender, age and nationality, who hold an Italian “laurea specialistica (magistrale)”, instituted in conformity with Ministerial Decree no. 509 of 3 November 1999 and subsequent amendments, a university degree of the previous regulations, or an equivalent degree obtained abroad.

Applicants who have an Italian qualification (“laurea specialistica/magistrale)”, must attach their degree certificate with a list of the examinations successfully passed and scores obtained in each examination.

Applicants holding a foreign degree not officially recognized as equivalent to the Italian “laurea”, must explicitly request recognition of equivalence in their application by including:
1. the degree certificate or, in the case of E.U. citizens, a self-certification (according to Presidential Decree no. 445 of December 28, 2000);
2. the English translation of the degree certificate with exams taken and grades obtained, signed under their own responsibility, to enable the Graduate School Committee to declare its equivalence, valid solely for the purpose of admission to the selection process.

A prerequisite to be admitted to the selection is the knowledge of the English language at least C1 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment (CEFR). Failing a certificate of knowledge of English language, the English level of the candidate will be tested during the oral examination.

Applications are also invited from students who expect to complete their degree by the 30th of September 2011. In such cases applicants must attach a declaration from their academic supervisor or the relevant faculty stating that the student is expected to complete the programme before the above mentioned deadline.

Admission for candidates who have not graduated yet will be “sub condicio” and the applicant shall hand in the relevant degree certificate, or a declaration that the degree has been conferred (in conformity with Presidential Decree no. 445 of December 28, 2000, applicable only to citizens of the European Union), to the Secretariat of the School by the 14th October 2011. Otherwise, the applicant shall lose the right to be admitted to the School.

The application, together with all the attachments required, must arrive at the University of Trento by 6 June 2011 in one of the following ways:
a) on-line application at the following website: by 16:00 (GMT +2:00 Central Europe Daylight Summertime);
b) personal delivery to: Ufficio Protocollo Centrale, Direzione Generale dell’Università degli Studi di Trento, Via Belenzani n. 12 – 38122 Trento (Italy), from 10:00 am to 12:00 a.m., Monday to Friday (Please write on the envelope “Concorso di ammissione alla Scuola in Scienze Sociali – Ph.D Programme in …. – 27° ciclo”);
c) by mail to the following address: Magnifico Rettore of the University of Trento, Via Belenzani 12 – 38122 Trento (Italy) (Please write on the envelope “Concorso di ammissione alla Scuola in Scienze Sociali – Ph.D Programme in ……. - 27° ciclo” ).

Applications received after the 6th of June 2011 will be disregarded, even if sent before the deadline.

Candidates shall state in their application which Ph.D Programme and which research topic they intend to apply for. The candidate shall choose only one Ph.D Programme from among “Economics and Management”, “Local Development and Global Dynamics” and “Sociology and Social Research”.

Applications must include:
- a photocopy of the applicant’s identity card or passport (pages with photo, personal data, and the information concerning the issue of the document);
- the degree certificate, with a list of the examinations successfully passed and scores obtained in each examination (or degree self-certification, according to Presidential Decree no. 445 of 28th of December 2000 concerning EU citizens);

  • applicants who have a foreign qualification that has not been officially recognized as equivalent to the Italian degree, should attach the English translation of the degree certificate with exams taken and grades obtained (Grade Transcript), signed under their own responsibility, to enable the Doctoral School Committee to declare its equivalence, only for the purpose of being admitted to the selection procedure of this announcement;foreign candidates are invited to attach the “Diploma Supplement”, if available.
  • applicants expecting to be awarded their degree by the 30th of September 2011 must submit a certification (or self-certification, according to Presidential Decree no. 445 of 28th of December 2000 relating to EU citizens) of the enrolment in the course of studies with a list of the examinations successfully passed and marks obtained in each examination together with a declaration written by their thesis supervisor stating the date of the final thesis discussion;

- curriculum vitae et studiorum following the format Europass:
- a research proposal in English (maximum 3.000 words); candidates are asked to include in their research proposal a short abstract (maximum 150 words) and a bibliography. The subject of the research proposal must deal with one of the research topic or with one of the specific topic grants listed at the Form A

Candidates should submit only one research project.

The research proposal will be considered to evaluate the analytical and methodological abilities of the applicant. In any case it doesn’t foreshadow any further research activities.

Applications may include:
- copies of publications, if any;
- any certificate of knowledge of English ((TOEFL, Proficiency etc.);
- any other qualifications such as international examinations (GRE or equivalent);
- any other useful qualification (e.g.: scientific publications, prizes, study and post-graduate research activities, etc.);

For more information, please visit official website:

Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to ensure the above information is current and correct. However, applicants should contact the appropriate administering body before making an application, as details do change frequently.


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