PhD Scholarships “Women in Education, Faith Schools”, University of Central Lancashire, UK

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International PhD Scholarship
School of Education & Social Sciences
Reference No INT-006Powell

Applications are invited for a full-time scholarship available in the School of Education & Social Sciences. The scholarship is tenable for up to 3 years for a PhD (via MPhil route) [subject to satisfactory progress] and is open to international applicants only. UK/EU applicants are not eligible to apply. The scholarship will provide £15000 towards the cost of the International tuition fee over 3 years.

Project Title: Women in education: a case for faith schools

Project Description:
This project will examine the role, position and experience of female teachers within faith schools.

In the last twenty years, the position of woman within religion has been investigated by feminist researchers, theologians and sociologists. Franke (2001) argues that the focus of feminist researchers falls into one of several categories, these are: the development of goddess cults, new religions, women as religious leaders, feminist representations of the divine, the body, sexuality and reproduction and female empowerment within religion. Whilst the role of women within religion has been examined, this has not been extended to the role of female educators as women of faith.

This project will explore the roles carried out by women in various faiths, and in particular the roles they may take in religious education and faith schools. It will seek to address the issues of women as faith educators and potential faith leaders via qualitative methodologies.

Applicants should have, or expect to receive a qualification equivalent to a high class UK honours degree.

Informal project related enquiries may be directed to Jason Powell email Tel 01772 892259.

Application Forms can be found at:

Completed application forms should be emailed to

The closing date for applications to the Graduate Research Office: Friday 13 May 2011 5pm British Summer Time

Proposed Interview Date: Thursday 2nd June (after 11am)


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