Thermal Hydraulics and Safety of Innovative Nuclear Systems
KTH is the largest technical university in Sweden. Education and research cover a broad spectrum within natural sciences and engineering, as well as architecture, industrial engineering and management, urban planning, work science and environmental engineering. KTH has 13 344 fulltime equivalent students of whom 6 955 at Bachelor (first) level and 5 545 at Master (second) level. In addition 1 314 full-time equivalent students at doctoral studies (third) level and 3 900 employees.
The School of Engineering Sciences carries out a wide range of research at the international front line, from fundamental disciplines such as physics and mathematics, to engineering mechanics with applications such as aeronautics and vehicle engineering. We also offer University degree programs in Engineering Physics, Vehicle Engineering, ‘Engineering and Education’, and ‘Open Entrance’, as well as a number of International Masters Programs.
The Division of Nuclear Power Safety (NPS) performs research which encompasses nuclear reactor safety design, nuclear power plant system analysis, development of methods and models for deterministic and probabilistic safety analysis, experimental studies of nuclear power safety and multi-scale modeling of the relevant physical processes and phenomena. Important element of the research activity is the synergy between numerical and experimental studies of multi-phase flows, heat and mass transfer at different scales, ranging from the plant-scale system thermal-hydraulics, to component-scale multi-dimensional fluid dynamics, and down to phenomena-scale and direct numerical simulations. While advanced methods and tools exist for system and phenomenological analysis at individual scales, understanding of intricate processes and non-linear system behavior (as such may occur in complex engineering systems during abnormal transients and accidents) require a new analysis platform, which cuts across the multiple scales and couple multiple physics phenomena.
- PhD Position in Nuclear and Quantum Physics, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
- PhD in Experimental Nuclear Physics, Uppsala University, Sweden
- ASEAN Millennium Leaders College Student Exchange Scholarships, Daejeon University, Korea
- KINS-KAIST International Nuclear Safety Master Scholarships, International Nuclear Safety School, Korea
- Erasmus Mundus 2010 MSc Scholarships in Photonics, Europe
- Avancez Scholarship, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
- PhD Position in Computer Architecture, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
- PhD and Postdoctoral in Renewable and Distributed Power Generation at University of Wollongong, Australia
- Nuclear Security Fellowship, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard University, USA
- IPOET Scholarships, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to ensure the above information is current and correct. However, applicants should contact the appropriate administering body before making an application, as details do change frequently.