PhD Studentships, School Of Design, Engineering And Computing, Bournemouth University, England, UK

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The Creative Technology Research Group(CTRG) at the School of Design, Engineering & Computing (DEC), Bournemouth University (BU), is pleased to invite applications for a PhD studentship with full financial support.

The Studentship offers a maintenance grant of £13,400 per annum and waiver of the full-time research student fee. The post will be awarded on a full-time basis for a period of 36 months. The studentship will focus on the area of Networked Music and Audio Interactions.

The discipline of Network music performance (NMP) allowing performers, studio musicians and producers to connect over high-speed networks and create audio and video content collaboratively is now a reality. Software tools and strategies developed over the last few years have led to various global events, projects and publications.

This has allowed the NMP research community to develop a new musical paradigm known as network music, where music becomes network-centric and cannot be performed outside of a networked situation. Based on this groundwork, the need to develop and implement interactive multimodal applications to further develop network music has never been greater.

Applicants will preferably have a good first degree (first or upper-second class) and/or Masters degree in music technology or related discipline such as computer science ; or a Bachelor degree with equivalent research or industry working experience. The ideal candidate will show an interest in developing novel multimodal tools and strategies focusing on high-quality audio, networked audio monitoring, visualization, synchronous interactions and high-quality video.

Candidates for the above must demonstrate outstanding qualities and be motivated to complete a PhD in 3 years. All candidates must satisfy the School’s minimum doctoral entry criteria for studentships of: an honours degree at Upper Second Class (2.1) and /or an appropriate Masters degree. An IELTS (Academic) score of 6.5 minimum is essential for candidates for whom English is not their first language.

Please note that the studentship is available to international applicants.

For more information please contact Alain Renaud on arenaud[ at ]

Closing date for applications is 9th October 09

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