Postdoctoral Fellowships in Computational Science at Argonne, USA

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Outstanding candidates are invited to apply for positions as Argonne Computational Postdoctoral Fellows.

Fellows will carry out research in computational science with new high-resolution climate models. Fellows will develop and implement advanced computational approaches aimed at scaling applications for high-end computing system including numerical methods and ensemble simulations. Using these advanced approaches, the selected fellows will conduct large-scale simulations on leadership-class computers, with the objective of producing breakthrough research in the scientific disciplines of interest.

Fellows will develop and implement advanced computational approaches aimed at scaling applications for high-end computing systems. Using these advanced approaches, the selected fellows will conduct large-scale simulations on leadership-class computers, with the objective of producing breakthrough research in the scientific disciplines of interest.

The successful candidates will interact with both divisional researchers and staff of the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility (ALCF) to best utilize high-performance computers. The ALCF operates a 557-teraflop IBM Blue Gene/P system for production scientific and engineering computing and a 13.9-teraflop IBM Blue Gene/P system for system software development, software testing, and tool and application porting.

Argonne is a leader in addressing the nation’s critical scientific and technological problems and has vigorous research programs in the physical, life, and environmental sciences. The laboratory is located in the southwestern Chicago suburbs, offering the advantages of affordable housing, good schools, and easy access to the cultural attractions of the city.

Fellowships are awarded for a one-year term, with possible renewal for a second year. Interested candidates should apply to cpf-fellow[at]

For application requirements and further information, see this link. A multidisciplinary fellowship selection committee will review application material.

Argonne is a U.S. Department of Energy laboratory managed by UChicago Argonne, LLC.

Argonne is an equal opportunity employer, and we value diversity in our workforce

Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to ensure the above information is current and correct. However, applicants should contact the appropriate administering body before making an application, as details do change frequently.


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