Postdoctoral Position in Stereoscopic 3D Cinema, York University, Canada

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3D cinema is experiencing a burst of popularity unmatched since the early 1950’s. Along with the advances in projection technology and film capture we have seen a growing interest in the human perceptual factors that determine the success of a given technique. It is an exciting time to study stereoscopic vision and we are pleased to announce that a post-doctoral position is available at York University’s Centre for Vision Research, to do just that.

We are seeking an enthusiastic collaborator to participate in research in 3D (stereoscopic) cinema. The position is funded via an exciting multidisciplinary grant awarded to Rob Allison (Department of Computer Science and Engineering), Ali Kazimi (Department of Film) and Laurie Wilcox (Department of Psychology). The project will investigate a number of issues related to the capture and production of 3D film and will involve close collaboration with several industrial partners.

The candidate should have a PhD in a field related to the visual sciences and a background in visual psychophysics. We are seeking someone with a keen interest in stereoscopic vision and 3D cinema, so experience in this domain would be helpful. The post-doctoral fellow will design, conduct and analyse experiments that will use fundamental psychophysical methodology to evaluate both basic and applied research questions. Ideally we are looking for an individual who is familiar with programming for behavioural experiments, who is technically capable and who has interest or experience in digital media. The successful candidate will focus primarily on perceptual and human factors issues, but s/he will work closely with team members from the Future Cinema Lab in the Faculty of Fine Arts. They will also be encouraged to pursue their own research goals and to interact with the other members of the Centre for Vision Research and the Future Cinema Lab.

The York Centre for Vision Research is an interdisciplinary centre spanning the laboratories of 23 faculty members in the Departments of Psychology, Computer Science, Biology and Philosophy (see ). Members pursue fundamental and applied research in visual, vestibular and auditory perception, eye-movements, computer vision, virtual reality and robotics. Located within the Faculty of Fine Arts at York University, the Future Cinema Lab (FCL) investigates how new digital storytelling techniques can critically transform a diverse array of state-of-the-art screens (see

This a two year position which begins September 2010. Applicants must have completed their Ph.D. (or equivalent) prior to taking up the position. The salary is consistent with current MRC/NSERC standards and will be adjusted according to the candidate’s level of experience.

To apply please send your c.v., selected reprints and the names of 3 referees to:

Robert Allison
Centre for Vision Research
York University 4700 Keele Street Toronto, ON
Canada M3J 1P3
email: allison[at]
phone: (1-416) 736-2100 x 20192
fax: (1-416) 736-5872

Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to ensure the above information is current and correct. However, applicants should contact the appropriate administering body before making an application, as details do change frequently.


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