Prime Minister’s Australia Asia Incoming Postgraduate Award, Australia

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The top twenty (20) recipients of the Endeavour Postgraduate Award (doctorate only), from the ten eligible Asian countries and regions listed below, will be offered the Prime Minister’s Australia Asia Award and its additional benefits.

The Prime Minister’s Australia Asia Incoming postgraduate Award provides financial support for international students for a maximum of four (4) years to undertake a postgraduate qualification at PhD level in any field of study in Australia. Award holders will also have the opportunity to undertake an optional internship in Australia for up to 12 months (minimum of 2 months) during or at the completion of their study program.

Citizens of India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Republic of Korea, Singapore, The People’s Republic of China (including Hong Kong, and Macau SARs), Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam are eligible for this Award.

All eligible international applicants for the Endeavour Postgraduate Award from the countries and regions listed above will automatically be considered for this Award. Applicants do not have to acknowledge that they want to be considered for a Prime Minister’s Australia Asia Award.

International applicants should not contact their Australian host university regarding the Prime Minister’s Australia Asia Incoming Postgraduate Awards. The eligibility requirements and application process are the same as for the Endeavour Postgraduate Award.

The Applicant Guidelines provide detailed information on eligibility requirements, Award values, list of participating countries and other important information. You should download these Guidelines and ensure you read and understand them before starting your application.

Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to ensure the above information is current and correct. However, applicants should contact the appropriate administering body before making an application, as details do change frequently.


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