The University of Sydney takes great pleasure in announcing the Sydney Achievers International Scholarships for new international students commencing at the University in 2014.
Up to 100 of these prestigious Scholarships will be offered in 2014 to high achieving, academically meritorious, international students, inviting them to enjoy the Sydney experience at one of the finest institutions of higher education in the world.
Sydney Achievers International Scholarships (Undergraduate)
- AUD$10,000 each per annum, available for the CRICOS registered duration of a recipient’s program of study, for any Undergraduate program offered at the University of Sydney (subject to the recipient maintaining satisfactory academic progress each year).
- No living allowance is payable.
Criteria for Eligibility
- Applicants must have completed an Australian Year 12 qualification or an international senior secondary qualification accepted by the University with outstanding results, as deemed by the University of Sydney.
- Students completing Foundation Studies Programs offered by Australian or New Zealand universities are eligible.
- Students who have already commenced/completed tertiary studies, or students transferring with credit exemptions and/or advanced standing, are not eligible.
For further information on equivalents to Australian Year 12 qualifications and a table showing standard academic requirements for some of these examinations relative to ATAR scores see: Undergraduate entry requirements
Sydney Achievers International Scholarships (Postgraduate)
- AUD$10,000 each per annum (ie, $15,000 in total for a 1.5 year program, $20,000 in total for a 2 year program), available for the CRICOS registered duration of a recipient’s program of study, for any Postgraduate Coursework program offered at the University of Sydney (subject to the recipient maintaining satisfactory academic progress each year).
- No living allowance is payable.
Criteria for Eligibility
- Applicants must have completed the equivalent of an Australian Bachelor degree qualification with outstanding results based on the Australian grading system, as deemed by the University of Sydney.
- Students who have already commenced/completed postgraduate studies, or students transferring with credit exemptions and/or advanced standing, are not eligible.
Application Procedure
- No separate application for a Sydney Achievers International Scholarship is necessary.
- An Application for Admission to the University of Sydney in 2014 will constitute an application for a Scholarship.
- All applications meeting the selection and eligibility criteria resulting in unconditional Offers of Admission will be automatically considered.
- The deadline for receipt of applications and complete supporting documentation (academic and English language proficiency results) is 15 January 2014 for Semester 1, 2014, and 30 June 2014 for Semester 2, 2014.
- Successful candidates will receive an Offer of a Scholarship with the Offer of Admission.
- Applications received after these deadlines will not be considered.
- Candidates applying through the Universities Admissions Centre (UAC) will be considered in January 2014.
- Successful candidates will be notified by email.
Due to the limited number of Scholarships available, applicants are not guaranteed a Scholarship (even if they meet the selection and eligibility criteria) especially if offers made to early applicants have all been accepted. Candidates are, therefore, strongly encouraged to apply early for admission in order to maximize their chances of being considered for a Scholarship.
Selection Criteria
- Selection will be based strictly on academic merit as per the University’s admission requirements.
- Selection will be based on actual results (academic and English language proficiency). Predicted/forecast results will not be considered.
- Only applicants with firm, unconditional offers of admission will be considered.
- Selection will be made by the International Office, whose decision will be final. No appeals will be entertained.
- Scholarship recipients will need to maintain satisfactory academic progress, which, for the purposes of retaining the Scholarship, is defined as maintaining a credit average (at least 65%) or more each year. Failure to do so may result in the Scholarship being terminated.
- Successful candidates:
- must not be in receipt of any other tuition scholarship or sponsorship;
- must commence study in 2014 – commencement may not be deferred to a later year;
- will be required to pay for their own airfares to Sydney, living expenses, study materials, text books, any ancillary fees (if applicable) and Overseas Student Health Cover each year;
- are also responsible for paying the balance of the tuition fees each year;
- are required to enroll as full-time international students and must maintain their international student status on a full-time basis throughout their enrollment at the University of Sydney; and
- may not be entitled to a ‘Leave of Absence’ during the duration of the Scholarship, unless it is due to extenuating circumstances.
The University of Sydney reserves the right to make changes to this Scholarships program without notice and at its discretion.
For more information, please visit official website:
- International Master Scholarship in Law, University of Sydney, Australia
- Undergraduate Scholarships, University of Sydney, Australia
- Postgraduate Scholarships in Hydrogeochemistry, University of Sydney, Australia
- Jae My Postgraduate Scholarship in Korean Studies, University of Sydney, Australia
- University of Sydney International Scholarship (USydIS), Australia
- PhD Scholarship in Experimental Fluid Mechanics, University of Sydney, Australia
- Postgraduate Scholarship in Tropical Palaeo-climate, University of Sydney, Australia
- Postgraduate Scholarship in Cancer Epidemiology (Gynaecological Cancers), University of Sydney, Australia
- PhD Scholarship in Environmental Fluid Mechanics, University of Sydney, Australia
- Dr Abdul Kalam International Scholarships, University of Sydney, Australia
Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to ensure the above information is current and correct. However, applicants should contact the appropriate administering body before making an application, as details do change frequently.
hello, I’m Herman from Indonesia, 6th semester in Makassar Tourism Academy, I take tourism management, would you mind if you give me some informations about scholarship to sidney and send to my email :
thanks a lot,
Hy , I’m Ayuni ..
I’m the fourth semester in State College of Islamic Studies of Watampone ..
I’m English Department ..
How to get scholarships in Australia to continue my study ?
Hello there
my name is mega, I am currently in my 6th semester of my university in Binus. I major in Animation, would you mind sending more information about this scholarship and wether you have an animation major in your university to
Thank you very much
hello my name is nisa,armed with the experience and my desire, I want a chance to get a scholarship to fashion in France, thank you very much
hi.. my name is pebrina, i am english major teaching training background, i am looking for scholarship for master of english major, my GPA is 3,84, i am interested to continue master of my major to enrich my knowledge more and transfer it to my students in jambi, indonesia. tell me where could i find the scholarship, my email , . thank you very much
Hello there my name is ryanti puspitasari,Im currently in my 5th semester of akademy in Bina Sarana Informatika , armed with the experience and my desire, I want a chance to get a scholarship to fashion in France, thank you very much
Hello my name is shofihudin, now i’m finish in college nursing diploma 3 would you mind if you give me some information about this scholarship, i’m interested to continue my study.
how can i to get it.?
how can I get that scholarship?
give me some information about master of education(M.Ed) scholarship in Australia…..thank you
hello,,, i am waryanti. i’m fresh graduate of English Department, TeachingTraining and Education Faculty. Would you mind to share me the scholarship information relate to my education background, please…
my email:
i’m irnawanto. now i’m in 1st semester and my major is english education departement. would you tell me about the information please??? and thanks a million
hello, I’m Medianti from Indonesia, 7 semester in Jenderal Soedirman University, I major in communication can you give me some informations scholarship from postgraduate and send to my email :
Thank you:)
please give me some information about additional degree in medicine and available scholarships and university for international student. thank you
hello, I’m valent from Indonesia, I am now on 7th semester of urban and regional planning of engineering faculty in Sam Ratulangi University, can you give me some informations scholarship from postgraduate and send to my email :
Thank you:)
Hi,.. I’m Markies and fresh gradutate from undergraduate in Hotel Management,.. would you be so kind to give some to get fellowship abroad on Postgradute for HOTEL MANAGEMENT, PASTRY or CULINARY ,.!! I Look forward to hearing news at
Helle, i’m dhi, coming from yogyakarta state university, english language literature. I expect to get any scholar abroad. Please send any scholar information to thank you ^_^
heloo i’m tata, I have completed my education on university of indonesia jakarta and wants to continue master degree in australia. i.m so interested and it will help me a lot if i got more informatn thanks. Email
hi the dearest one… i’m Dendi from indonesia, a student of English Literature. i’m now at the sixth semester. would you like sending me more information about scholarship for master program of English literature? just send here thank you anyway