1 |
ASEAN Leaders Fostering Program, Daejeon University, Korea |

2 |
Reach Oxford Undergraduate Scholarships, University of Oxford, UK |
3 |
Erasmus Mundus Action 2 - PANACEA |
4 |
Lotus, Erasmus Mundus Scholarships for South-East Asian Students to Europe |
5 |
AREAS Erasmus Mundus Action 2 (EMA2) Scholarships, Europe |
6 |
Fujitsu Scholarship, East-West Knowledge Leaders Program, Hawaii USA |
7 |
CIMB Regional Full Scholarships for Master & Doctoral, Southeast Asia |
8 |
Master & PhD Scholarships in Agriculture by SEARCA |
9 |
Rowan Nicks International Scholarship, Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, Australia |
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ASEAN Master Scholarships, University of Nottingham, UK |

11 |
Korean Government Scholarship Program for Graduate, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Korea |
12 |
The Fuji Xerox Setsutaro Kobayashi Memorial Fund for Foreign Students Research Grant, Japan |
13 |
Master Scholarships, University of Twente, The Netherlands Fellowship Programmes (NFP) |
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Master & Doctoral Scholarships, Waseda University, Japan |
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ASEAN Foundation Research Scholarship, National University of Singapore |
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Siam Cement Group (SCG) Foundation Scholarships, Thailand |
17 |
Fujitsu Asia Pacific Scholarship |
18 |
National University of Singapore (NUS) Graduate Scholarships for ASEAN Nationals |
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PhD Research Scholarships, Southeast Asian Regional Center in Agriculture (SEARCA) |
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Undergraduate Exchange Program Scholarship, Faculty of Economic, University of Brawijaya, Indonesia |

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A*STAR Pre-Graduate Scholarship, NUS Graduate School, Singapore |
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New Zealand Development Scholarship |
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Master Scholarships in International Development Studies, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand |
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Sato International Scholarship Foundation (SISF), Japan |