1 |
Master Fellowships in Public Health and Tropical Medicine, Wellcome Trust, UK |

2 |
Health Sciences & Medicine Honours Scholarships, Bond University, Australia |
3 |
Training Fellowships in Public Health and Tropical Medicine, Wellcome Trust, UK |
4 |
Carl Duisberg Scholarships, Bayer Foundations, Germany |
5 |
MSc in Internal Medicine Scholarships, Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, UK |
6 |
Chemistry Tercentenary International Masters Scholarships, University of Edinburgh, UK |
7 |
Tehran University of Medical Sciences International Scholarships, Iran |
8 |
King’s Annual Fund Studentship (KAF), King’s College London, UK |
9 |
Brunei Darussalam Government Scholarships to Foreign Students |
10 |
Radcliffe Department of Medicine PhD Scholarship, University of Oxford, UK |

11 |
PhD Studentship in Vascular Medicine, University of Nottingham, UK |
12 |
HIV and Drug Use Research Fellowship, Switzerland |
13 |
Scholarship for Physicians in Developing Countries, AAHPM USA |
14 |
International PhD in Molecular Cell Biology, Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine (MDC), Germany |
15 |
ANZCA International Scholarship for Students from Developing Countries, Australia & New Zealand |
16 |
PhD Studentship, British Lung Foundation, Cambridge Institute for Medical Research, University of Cambridge, UK |
17 |
PhD in Cancer Research, Faculty of Medicine, University of Iceland |
18 |
PhD Student, Department of Pediatrics and Medical Genetics, Ghent University, Belgium |
19 |
International PhD Scholarship in Medicine and Dentistry, University of Central Lancashire, UK |
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Charles Darwin International Scholarships, College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine, University of Edinburgh, UK |

21 |
PhD Position, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Utrecht University, Netherlands |
22 |
PhD Scholarships in Molecular Medicine and Neuroscience, Medical University of Graz, Austria |
23 |
The LH Ainsworth Cancer Research Scholarship, University of New South Wales, Australia |
24 |
The Beth Yarrow Memorial Award In Medical Science, University of New South Wales, Australia |
25 |
The Harvey Carey Memorial Scholarship, University of New South Wales, Australia |
26 |
The Vida Rees Scholarship in Paediatrics, University of New South Wales, Australia |
27 |
The Louiza Zervos Memorial Scholarship In Paediatrics, University of New South Wales, Australia |
28 |
PhD Scholarships in Organic Synthesis & Polymer Chemistry, DTU Nanotech, Denmark |
29 |
PhD in Genomic Medicine and Statistics, University of Oxford, UK |
30 |
PhD Fellowships in Biopharmaceutics as Medicinal Products, University of Copenhagen, Denmark |
31 |
PhD Scholarship in Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Mahidol-Oxford Tropical Medicine Research Unit, Thailand |