The Margaret McNamara Memorial Fund (MMMF) Grants, USA & Canada

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For students from developing countries who are currently studying in the United States or Canada, the MMMF awards grants of approximately $12,000 each; grants are not renewable. The MMMF also typically invites the recipients to Washington DC to participate in a three day Awards Program organized in their honor.

A woman is eligible to apply for an MMMF grant if she meets all the following criteria:

  1. has a record of service to women and children and a commitment to improve the lives of women and children in developing countries
  2. resides in the U.S. or Canada at the time she submits the application
  3. is enrolled (in residence) at an accredited U.S. or Canadian educational institution for the academic year 2013-14, and intends to be enrolled for the 2014-15 academic year
  4. will use the grant toward the completion of her degree
  5. is a national of a lower or middle income developing member country, as designated by the MMMF Country Eligibility List
  6. is not a U.S. or Canadian citizen, permanent U.S. resident or Canadian Landed Immigrant
  7. intends to return to her country (or other developing country) within two years of completing use of the MMMF grant and perform at least two years of service
  8. demonstrates financial need and satisfactory academic performance
  9. is at least 25 years old by December 31, 2013
  10. is not related to a World Bank Group staff member or his/her spouse

There are no exceptions to the MMMF educational grant criteria listed above.

The application for the academic year 2014-15 is open from September 16 until January 15, 2014.

For more information, please visit official website:

Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to ensure the above information is current and correct. However, applicants should contact the appropriate administering body before making an application, as details do change frequently.

One comment on “The Margaret McNamara Memorial Fund (MMMF) Grants, USA & Canada

  1. hello, i’m anggi and now study at economic faculty in Halu Oleo university final semester. i want to continue my study in canada, so please help me to give some information about this scholarship.. please send me information about this scholarsip in my e-mail, thank’s.


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