Curtin Engineering Merit International Scholarships, Curtin University, Australia

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The Curtin Engineering Merit International Scholarship is available to international students who have completed their first semester of study at Curtin University in semester 1, 2013 in an eligible course. Applicants will need to have demonstrated high-level academic achievement in their studies at a WA College for example Canning College, Tuart College or Murdoch College and obtained an ATAR or equivalent in 2012.

Student type: Current Students

  • WASM
  • Engineering

Course type: Undergraduate
Gender: Both
Nationality: International students
Scholarship base: Merit Based
Maximum number awarded: 5

The Scholarship will provide 25% of the tuition fees per annum for the remaining expected duration of the degree. Two scholarships will be awarded in each of the areas of Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Software Engineering and WASM if there are candidates of sufficient merit. If the student has already paid their fees for semester 2, 2013, they will receive 50% of their tuition fees paid in semester 1, 2014.

The Scholarship is available for the remaining expected duration of the initial undergraduate course (including honours) offered to successful Scholarship recipients. For example, if the remaining expected duration is 700 credits of study, the Scholarship will cover 700 credit points only. Any study that is taken over and above the remaining expected duration will be at the student’s expense. No extensions beyond the original duration of study will be considered.

Eligible courses

  • Bachelor of Engineering (with majors in Chemical Engineering, Petroleum Engineering, Electronic and Communication Engineering, Electrical Power Engineering, Computer Systems Engineering, Software Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronic Engineering and Civil and Construction Engineering)
  • Bachelor of Engineering (Minerals Engineering)
  • Bachelor of Engineering (Mining Engineering)
  • Bachelor of Engineering (Mining Environmental Engineering)
  • Bachelor of Science (Extractive Metallurgy)

Consideration will also be given to students enrolling in an undergraduate Engineering double degree:

  • Bachelor of Engineering (Electronic and Communication Engineering), Bachelor of Science (Computer Science)
  • Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Systems Engineering), Bachelor of Science (Computer Science)
  • Bachelor of Engineering (Chemical Engineering), Bachelor of Science (Extractive Metallurgy)
  • Bachelor of Engineering (Civil and Construction Engineering), Bachelor of Science (Mining)
  • Bachelor of Engineering (Chemical Engineering), Bachelor of Science (Chemistry)
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Bachelor of Commerce

Eligibility criteria
Applicants must meet ALL of the following criteria to be considered for the Curtin Engineering Merit International Scholarship:

  • Be undertaking the first year of their first undergraduate degree, and completed the first semester of full time (100 credits) study with an average of 70.00 at Curtin University, in an eligible course in 2013
  • Be an international student and hold a valid Student Visa – Higher Education (Subclass 573)
  • Be a student of a WA College in 2012
  • Received an ATAR or equivalent of 96.00 or above in 2012

Enrolment requirements
Unless there are exceptional circumstances students must:

  • Maintain a full time study load of 100 credits per semester
  • Maintain a Course Weighted Average of at least 70.00
  • Pass all units attempted

Scholarship continuity is subject to meeting satisfactory academic progress (Course Weighted Average of at least 70.00 and pass all units attempted each semester). Progress will be assessed at the end of each study period. The recipient must maintain a status of Good Standing for the duration of their studies. Unless there are exceptional circumstances, a recipient with unsatisfactory progress or who breaches the Scholarship conditions shall be ineligible to retain the Scholarship. Determination of exceptional circumstances shall be at the discretion of the Manager, Scholarships Office.

A Curtin Engineering Merit International Scholarship is not transferable to another university or any non-engineering degree or to an area outside the one it was awarded. This scholarship can not be held in conjunction with the Canning College Engineering Bursaries.

Changes to enrolment
If a recipient intends to do any of the following they must also apply in writing to the Scholarships Office ( for approval BEFORE the change.

Change from full time enrolment: The Scholarships Office will advise how the change will affect your scholarship.

Change of course: The Scholarships Office will advise how the change of course will affect your scholarship.

Leave of absence: If Approved the maximum period of leave is 12 months.

Withdrawal or Terminated from units or course: A student who withdraws from their units or course of study, or has been terminated from studies will become ineligible for continuation of the scholarship, will not receive any further payments and will be required to repay to the University the stipend awarded for that study period if applicable.

How to apply
Application process
An applicant must submit a completed application form with supporting documents attached by 4:00pm on closing date to the Scholarships Office at the Bentley campus. Application forms are available on the Scholarships website.

Applications will be assessed by a selection panel using the following criteria:

  • 2012 ATAR
  • Succesful completion of semester 1, 2013 in an eligible course
  • Responses to questions in application

The scholarship will be awarded if there are candidates of sufficient merit.

All applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application via their official communications channel in Oasis within 4-6 weeks of the closing date.

In order to accept the Scholarship a recipient will be requested to return signed terms and conditions and a talent approval form.

Once a Curtin Engineering Merit International Scholarship has been accepted, the Scholarship will commence from the second semester of study.

The 25% contribution to student fees will be paid directly to the student fee account at the census date relevant to each enrolled semester. If the student has alread paid their fees for semester 2, 2013, they will receive 50% of their tuition fees paid in semester 1, 2014.

Need more information?

Scholarships Office
Telephone: (08) 9266 2992

Applications should be sent to:
Scholarships Office
Student Central Building 101, Level 1
Curtin University
GPO Box U1987
Perth WA 6845

Applications open: 20/05/2013
Applications close: 26/07/2013

For advice on your Centrelink payments and how your scholarship could affect your payment, contact the Centrelink Office on the Bentley Campus. If you require a letter about your scholarship for Centrelink, please contact the Scholarships Office. Any equity or merit scholarship of less than $7233 pa will not affect your Centrelink payment. Provided you are a full-time student, money paid by the University towards your HECS fees (student contribution) is not considered as income.

Generally scholarship money paid to full-time students is not treated as taxable income, but if your study load is less than 75 credits (part-time) your scholarship money is not tax exempt. Other than the full-time study requirement, the general rule is that Scholarships are exempt from taxation unless:

  • it is a condition of the scholarship that a recipient is required to undertake activities that are of use, help or benefit to the scholarship provider - then the student is rendering a service by agreeing to undertake those activities;
  • upon completion of the degree for which the scholarship is awarded a candidate is required to become, or shall continue to be, an employee of the funding body; or
  • an award is received by a student where the scholarship is not provided principally for educational purposes.

The Australian Tax Office has a tool to help you determine if your scholarship is taxable. For expert advice please contact the Australian Taxation Office or your accountant. If a letter regarding your scholarship is required for taxation purposes, please contact the Scholarships Office.

For more information, please visit official website:

Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to ensure the above information is current and correct. However, applicants should contact the appropriate administering body before making an application, as details do change frequently.

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