Mathematics Department Research Studentship, King’s College London, UK

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King's College London UKEligibility criteria

  • Open to residents of the following countries: All Nationalities
  • All PhD applicants to the Mathematics Department at King’s College London will be automatically considered for this award, providing that they have applied before the yearly deadline.
  • Applicable subjects: Mathematics

Application details
Applications may be submitted from 01-Oct-2013 until 01-Feb-2014

Information about the funding
The Department of Mathematics is pleased to be able to offer a studentship to be awarded to a student of mathematics studying for the PhD.

All PhD applicants to the KCL Mathematics Department will be automatically considered for this, providing that they have applied before the yearly deadline, normally 1 February. No separate application form is required. It is normally for around £2000 and the decision is usually made in April.

Value of award: £2000

Application procedure
All applicants who have applied for a PhD position within the Mathematics Department at King’s College London by 1 February will automatically be considered for the studentship. There is no separate application. The award will be made to the student judged to be the most promising in research in mathematics, and whose field is approved by the department.

Contact details
Department of Mathematics
King’s College London

Funding provider
Mathematics Department, King’s College London

For more information, please visit official website:

Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to ensure the above information is current and correct. However, applicants should contact the appropriate administering body before making an application, as details do change frequently.

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