PhD Student in Computer Graphics, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden

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The Department of Computer Science and Engineering provides a strong, international, and dynamic research environment with about 70 faculty and 70 PhD students from about 30 countries.

The Ph.D. student will be part of the Computer Graphics research group and the Distributed Computing and Systems research group.

The Computer Graphics research group conducts research with high impact internationally on new algorithms for photo-realistic real-time and off-line rendering as well as on methods to boost the performance of algorithms by parallelizing them for GPUs.

The Distributed Computing and Systems research group conducts research with high impact internationally on the design and analysis of lock- and wait-free data structures for shared memory systems, run-time systems, and parallel algorithms and data structures in general for highly parallel, heterogeneous, many-core systems.

The groups run a set of national, European and international projects in the area and cooperate on a recently started project in Software Abstractions for Heterogeneous Multi-core Architectures.

Job description
The research focuses on efficient parallelization of common algorithms for execution on single GPUs, multiple GPUs in one PC, and potentially clusters of GPUs. In particular, one goal is to utilize the results for the development of new graphics algorithms with higher performance in terms of speed and/or visual quality. This involves work on parallel building blocks (e.g. tree traversal, load balancing, sorting) and new rendering techniques.

The employment is expected to start early autumn 2011 (small deviations are negotiable). As a Ph.D. student you are employed by Chalmers and will receive a salary according to current salary agreements. A maximum of 20% of your time will be devoted to other duties at the department and may include teaching. The remaining time will be devoted to your own courses and research within the project and you are expected to obtain a Ph.D. within a maximum of 5 years.

Required qualifications
Applicant shall have a Master’s Degree or equivalent (e.g. sw. civilingenjörsexamen) in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Physics Engineering, or in a related discipline. As for all PhD studies, a genuine interest and curiosity in the subject matter and excellent analytical and communication skills, orally as well as literally, are needed. Further, since the research work normally involves developing new techniques, good programming skills are essential. In particular, experience in OpenGL / Direct3D and or CUDA / OpenCL is important. A successful candidate should have a profound interest in algorithms for computer graphics and parallel algorithms for GPUs.

Application procedure
The application shall be written in English and include the following items:

  • An application of a maximum of one A4 page containing your specific qualifications for the position
  • Attested copies of education certificates, including grade reports and other documents
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Letters of recommendation and name of reference persons (optional)

The application shall be sent electronically as pdf or zipped documents.

If any material is not available electronically or cannot be transferred to pdf format, the material can be sent as a hard copy to Registrar. The applicants name and the reference number (2011/195) must be written on the first page of the application.

Chalmers University of Technology
SE-412 96 Göteborg

Further information
It will be very useful if your application includes parts of your own work such as theses and articles that you have authored or co-authored. Please notice also that it is highly recommended that you include or e-mail letters of recommendation; we typically get a large number of applications, and it is not feasible for us to request individual letters.

If you have questions, please feel free to contact us:

Research level:
Ulf Assarsson
Philippas Tsigas

Doctoral education level:
Jan Jonsson

Division level:
Lars Svensson

Application deadline 2011-09-01

For more information, please visit official website:

Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to ensure the above information is current and correct. However, applicants should contact the appropriate administering body before making an application, as details do change frequently.


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