Undergraduate, Graduate & Research Scholarships in Turkey

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The Embassy of the Republic of Turkey in Jakarta has the pleasure to announce the “Türkiye Scholarships”, a new and comprehensive scholarship programme initiated by the Government of the Republic of Turkey.

Starting from the 2012-2013 academic year, the scholarships granted by the Government of the Republic of Turkey are restructured and renamed as “Türkiye Scholarships”, consisting of 22 scholarship programmes. Of these 22 programmes, 8 are available for Indonesian nationals, namely:

  • Goldenhorn Scholarship (undergraduate)
  • History and Civilization Scholarship (graduate and research)
  • Ibni Haldun Social Sciences Scholarship (graduate and research)
  • Economic Studies Scholarship (graduate and research)
  • Ali Kuşçu Science and Technology Scholarship (graduate and research)
  • İbni Sina Medical Sciences Scholarship (undergraduate, graduate and research)
  • Islamic Theology Scholarship (undergraduate, graduate and research)
  • Yunus Emre Turkish Language Scholarship (undergraduate, graduate and research)

With the new regulations, an online application system is introduced in order to make the application process faster and more practical. Thus, as a general rule, the scholarship applications for the 2012-2013 academic year should be made online, via the “Türkiye Scholarships”.

Deadline for the applications is 1st June 2012. The selection is a two-step procedure: in the first stage, the applicants will be evaluated according to academic merits, based on the documents provided during the application; in the second stage, the most successful candidates will be invited to Turkey for interview in June, July or August 2012 (if deemed necessary, the interviews can be made by telephone or online).

As part of the “Türkiye Scholarships”, accommodation and travel expenses, university fees, Turkish language education fees and general health insurance of the students who are granted a scholarship will be covered by the Government of the Republic of Turkey. The grantees will also be entitled to a monthly stipend.

For more information, please visit official website: www.trscholarships.org.

41 comments on “Undergraduate, Graduate & Research Scholarships in Turkey

  1. Just i want to ask you if a candidate is invited for inteview does it mean he will be given visa and he will be in istanbul thanks reply

  2. To:bela bungkar
    do you mean there is selection may be some people those were done interview will not accepted and if its that does the chances is high or low thanks

  3. My name is Bela Sungkar not Bungkar :D .. exactly, and if you have been interviewed,, the possibility is you will be accepted :) it depends of you when interviewed …

  4. do all interview for turkiye scholarship completed?
    does interview for african countries applicants completed?

  5. @Abdul Hakim : Interviewed was over,, if you didn’t contact yet the main reason may be is your documents requirements doesn’t complete or age requirement doesn’t match with their classification :)

  6. just I ask about the date of acceptence result announcement of turkish scholarships 20122013
    is it will be declared throughout aweek coming? thanks.

  7. hey, can i know if i should contact a turkish university before i can apply for the scholarship? how can this process take place
    any help ll be appreciated


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