1 |
Undergraduate Scholarships, GE Foundation Scholar - Leaders Program, Indonesia |

2 |
Beasiswa Orange Tulip untuk Mahasiswa Indonesia yang Berprestasi ke Belanda |
3 |
The Exeter World Class Business Student Scholarship, University of Exeter, UK |
4 |
Godfrey John Tyler Scholarship in Economics, St Cross College, University of Oxford, UK |
5 |
Shari’ah Scholarship Award, International Shari’ah Research Academy for Islamic Finance, Malaysia |
6 |
Sumitro Fellowship Program, USA - Indonesia |
7 |
Reserve Bank of New Zealand University Scholarships, New Zealand |
8 |
ANU College of Business & Economics International Undergraduate Scholarship, Australia |
9 |
Bachelor & Master, Utrecht Excellence Scholarships, Utrecht University, Netherlands |
10 |
ANU College of Business & Economics International Graduate Scholarship, Australia |

11 |
Master Scholarships, Nottingham Business School, Nottingham Trent University, UK |
12 |
Temasek Foundation Leadership Enrichment and Regional Networking, National University of Singapore |
13 |
Sindicatum Climate Change Foundation (SCCF) Scholarships, TERI University, India |
14 |
School of Business and Economics (SBE) non-EU Scholarship, Maastricht University, Netherlands |
15 |
Océ Scholarship for Master Students, Maastricht University, Netherlands |
16 |
SABIC Scholarships for Master Students, Maastricht University, Netherlands |
17 |
Total Master Scholarships in France |
18 |
Total Summer School Scholarships in Paris, France |
19 |
ANU College of Business & Economics International Merit Scholarship for Commencing Students, Australia |
20 |
PhD in Social Sciene for Indonesian Student, Maastricht University, Netherlands |

21 |
Bucharest Summer University Scholarships, Romania |
22 |
Master Scholarships in Business Administration and Management, Netherlands |
23 |
New Zealand ASEAN Scholars Awards |
24 |
Khazanah Asia Scholarship for Postgraduate in Collaboration with CIMB Niaga & XL Axiata |
25 |
Graduate Scholarships in Economic History, St Cross College, University of Oxford, UK |
26 |
European Doctorate in Law and Economics (EDLE), Erasmus Mundus, Italy |
27 |
PhD Scholarships in Social Sciences, Brunel University, UK |
28 |
Vavilov-Frankel Research Fellowships, Bioversity International |
29 |
Business, Economics and Law Postgraduate Scholarships for Indonesia & Thailand, University of Adelaide, Australia |
30 |
PhD Scholarships, Institutions Markets Technologies (IMT), Italy |
31 |
Master Scholarships in Economics, Barcelona Graduate School of Economics, Spain |
32 |
ASEAN Millennium Leaders College Student Exchange Scholarships, Daejeon University, Korea |
33 |
Leibniz - DAAD Research Fellowships, Germany |
34 |
Helmut Claas Scholarships in Engineering, Agricultural & Economics, Germany |
35 |
PhD Scholarship in Health Economics, University of Southern Denmark |
36 |
PhD Scholarships in Social Sciences, University of Trento, Italy |
37 |
PhD Position in Environmental Economics, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands |
38 |
PhD Research Assistant, Faculty of Business and Economics, KU Leuven, Belgium |
39 |
Government Finance Professional Development Scholarship, USA - Canada |
40 |
10 Master Scholarships in International Relations, Austria |